
AFP Rapid Test

AFP Rapid Test

Short Description:


Specification:1 test/kit;5 tests/kit;10tests/kit;20tests/kit;25tests/kit;

30 tests/kit; 40 tests/kit; 50 tests/kit

Clinical Significance:an important marker of liver cancer prognosis

Performance Parameter:Sample:serum/plasma

Sample dosage:20μL

Linear range:3.0-2000.0ng/mL

LOD:< 10.0ng/mL

Detection time( min):10min

Applicable Department: Oncology department, physical examination

Supporting Instruments:PMDT9000;PMDT9100

Product Detail

Intended Use

Serum  alpha-fetoprotein(AFP)is  a  commonly  used  and  important  method  for  diagnosing  primary  hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC),and  it  is  also  one  of the  main  methods  ofliver  cancer  screening.  When  liver  cells  become

cancerous,  AFP  is  secreted  and  produced  byliver  cancer  cells  again,  and  about70%  of  liver  cancer  patients  will    have elevated alpha-fetoprotein in the serum, so alpha-fetoprotein has become a specific clinicalindicator for the diagnosis  of  primary  liver  cancer.

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